Thursday, June 14, 2012

Skinny Plate Challenge

Day 13 of 

Avocado with salsa, Havarti cheese,
carrots, Sweet Potato crackers,
and Smoked Mussels.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Skinny Plate Challenge

Day 12 of the 

Toss Salad with avocado,
 along with asparagus and pork 
braised in 
balsamic vinegar.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Sunday Morning Coming Down

Not everyone was bright eyed and bushy tailed 
on an early Sunday morning! 

I enjoyed all the Dame's Rocket
growing along the 
road way.
I had mistakenly identified these flowers as Wild Phlox until I was corrected
 by my daughter Grace
who has a keen interest in all things wild,
plant and animal.

...would love to dig some up to take home to
 get established in front of my house.

I do have Lupins...
but these look especially beautiful with the 
old barn in the background.

...a bank of Lupins, Poppies and Irises 
...with and good mix of weeds and grasses.

One of the things I like best about this time of the year are the endless fields coming to life.
The cloudy day really brings out the intense green of the fields and hills and the fog hanging over the North Mountain makes it look mystical.

Normally the fields around here are planted with just one crop, soy beans, corn or potatoes like the field above, so I was surprised to find this one planted with a good mix of assortment of lettuces, broccoli, Kale, beets, cabbages and potatoes.

It makes my little veggie patch
 look kind of puny 
...doesn't it?

Friday, June 8, 2012

Where's The Greens?

Where's the greens???
...not here,
the only thing lurking in the veggie bin
 is a lone garlic bulb. 

...which left me going for orange
 for my "Skinny Plate" supper tonight.

Seasoned baked chicken, 
sweet potatoes 
and carrots with chives.

Wish I could say the buttered  popcorn I snacked on this afternoon 
was a "Skinny Bowl" size
... but that's all under the belt now.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Shinny Plate Challenge - Wednesday

After a day like today,
wine would have gone down nicely
with my "Skinny Plate" supper
...but I settled for 
"water in a wine glass."

1/2 a pita bread topped with salsa, 
sauteed mushrooms and peppers,
 tomato and Havarti cheese with a side of 
1/2 cup brown/wild rice.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Going For The Greens

Well, here I am again, after a three month hiatus from blogging, and a long period of ups and downs as far as my diet and exercise routine goes...definitely more ups when it comes to portion size, pant size and the numbers on my scale. In yet another attempt to get back on track I've signed on for the one month Skinny Plate Challenge to get my food intake back under control and at the same time add more greens to my diet. If you would like to join the Skinny Plate Challenge you can check it out here.

My first "skinny plate" meal,
1/2 salmon steak, quinoa,and some greens
...a spinach salad,

...adding a couple of handfuls of spinach to
 green up my breakfast smoothie,

...and waiting patiently for
 my garden to grow!

...two weeks in won't be long.