Friday, July 22, 2011

Lets Get It On

Pineapple Salad
A bed of fresh salad greens and dill from my garden 
topped with mushrooms, peppers and pineapple
and sprinkled with sage flowers. 
~great with Mango dressing~

So many people bemoan the idea of  going on a diet or switching to a healthier life style with the mistaken belief that they will be required to give up their favorite foods and commit themselves to a lifetime of nothing but  rabbit food to eat. Nothing can be further from the truth. There is a wide range of foods to to enjoy. The secret is limiting the junk food, paying attention to portion size and tracking calories. I've found that using this free, easy to use online diet site, "Loose" helpful in keeping track of how many calories I take in and how many I burn each day through exercise. Setting a daily calorie limit and seeing what I've eaten listed on my computer screen  in front of me helps me to choose foods with a lower calorie count allowing me to eat more ...thus I am not fighting pangs of hunger. But that doesn't mean you can't treat yourself to your favorite cheesecake once in a while, you will just have to cut back for the rest of the day or  increase the amount of exercise you do to make up for your indulgence.

Speaking of exercise, with Loose you can even calculate the amount of calories burned doing "the nasty",  although I should point out that, according to Loose It, moderate sexual activity burns only 9 calories for 30 min. of activity and by stepping it up a notch, you can burn 15 calories for 30 min. of  vigorous sexual activity. Ho hum...just 15 calories ... me thinks the next time hubby gets randy and suggest we burn a few calories, I'm gonna pass him  Nordic walking poles and tell him to go take a hike ...and I'll go too....and burn 173 calories for 30 min. of Nordic walking...

"I'm ready babe...lets get some action on."

Happy Walking

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