Monday, August 15, 2011

We Were Swinging

The forecast rain on on our second day in Moncton threatened to foil our plans to spend time at TreeGo, but  held off just long enough for us to spend a few hours adventure in the tree tops. TreeGo is basically an obstacle course high up among the tree canopies, and is comprised of four course levels, each more difficult as you go along, and it takes about three hours to complete. In our group I was the oldest, with one gentleman...a very handsome and fit one I might add...hummmm, hummmm, hummmm...probably in his mid forties...too young for me but too old for my girls, otherwise, there may have been a cat fight, he he... The rest of our group were young, probably in their early twenties.

I would have liked to have posted a video of us but they have a policy of "no cameras or cell phones" and  being the little goodie two shoes that I am, I did what I was told and left my camera in my pocket. Obviously, judging by the number of videos on U Tube, not everyone follows directions so I am able to post this video of other people having fun at TreeGo.

We completed the first three courses in two hours before my girls bailed on was tired and one had to too...but I would have liked to continue. It was hard work, a great total body workout and I was sore for the next two days but it was loads of fun, especially the zip lines, and I would definitely do it again if I had the chance.

For more tree top adventures, visit my daughter's blog Graceful Simplicity.

Happy walking,

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