Sunday, August 28, 2011


"Go west young man."

~One Week~

I just got back from my morning walk and sat down to enjoy a coffee with the Sunday paper when I noticed that CBC is airing one of my favorite movies tonight at 8:00. After watching a rebroadcast of Jack Layton's  funeral last night, I thought how air a truly Canadian movie after saying goodbye to a truly Canadian man.

"One Week", directed and written by Michael McGowan, is wonderful independent Canadian film I first saw in 2009.  I loved it for its simplicity and its “Canadianism”, not to mention the oh so handsome lead actor Joshua Jackson, who plays the part of Ben Tyler, a young man diagnosed with terminal cancer. Faced with the knowledge that he has at best two years to live, Ben buys a vintage motorcycle, and against the wishes of his fiancĂ©e Samantha who wants him to start treatment right away, sets off on a week long quest to find some meaning to his life. With help from a great Canadian icon, Tim Horton's, he heads west.
On his way he meets several characters that force him to reassess his life choices, and rediscover things he had missed growing up. The scenery and music in this film is wonderful. Also featured is a guest appearance by a well known maritime singer, Joel Plasket, who plays the part of a street busker. While Joshua Jackson is fantastic for this film... the man acts with his eyes, it is Campbell Scott as the narrator who brings warmth, humor and those heart melting moments to the's like having a best friend.

The movie is about death, love, and living. What would you do if you had only one week to live? Don’t miss miss this movie. While much is lost from watching a movie on TV due to the many commercial breaks, I hope the full essence of this simple but wonderful movie is not diminished.

Happy viewing!

For mor Sunday Citar's, join Tabitha at Fresh Mommy.

Happy walking,

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Just Move!

"Nothing ever stands still, and neither should you."
~Gail Tsukiyama~
~Women Of The Silk~

My 2011 mantra ... "Just Move!"
...for 2012..."Move More!"

For more Sunday Citars, visit our host, Tabitha at Fresh Mommy.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Rock Scampering

In 34 years of marriage, I've never had a big one...rock that is ...and while I've dropped a few hints to the hubby over the past few years, they have pretty much fallen on deaf ears. When our anniversary came and went with still no stone, I wasn't too surprised...perhaps his hearing will improve by our 35th. I may not be sporting a big stone on my finger but the hubby in his own way did deliver...I wanted a rock and I got rocks!

We spent last weekend on the South Shore 
camping at Grave's Island in East Chester. 

On Saturday we checked out 
Queensland Beach...looked but kept on going.
 And headed toward St. Margaret's Bay
...right past Peggy's Cove here

West Dover, 
where we spent two hours  hiking and "rock scampering" 
on this unnamed trail just past Peggy's Cove on the opposite side of the road. 
If you are familiar with the Peggy's Cove area
you have a pretty good idea of what rock scampering entails.

While I don't usually go gaga over rocks, 
the sheer number of rocks and their
size and formations are pretty  amazing is the delicate eco-system
surrounding them.
 Everywhere you look, 
there is 
bog huckleberry
Picture plant in bloom.
I have never seen so many!
Grace found the little inukshuk she built a year ago
while hiking with a friend.

...Mr. Strongman want- a- be...
We made it!

Next. we got in the car and backtracked to 
Polly’s Cove which is located adjacent to Peggy’s Cove.

This rugged sea side beauty is a lesser known alternative to Peggy’s Cove and can only be viewed by walking / hiking into the many locations, points and vistas along this coastal area.
We easily spent another 1 1/2 hours here and would have liked to stay longer
but the hubby was fading fast.
...beautiful view from up here.
...double wow!
...I'm Queen of the mountain.
...our view looking down.

Polly's Cove was wonderful and I would recommend that if you have already seen Peggy's Cove, and who hasn't, that you try the Polly's Cove Trail just past the Peggy's Cove entrance for a wonderful overall feel for the landscape. 

 From Halifax, take the 333 to Peggy's Cove. Once you have checked out the lighthouse, backtrack 1.5km and look for the small parking spot on the south side of the road about halfway between the Peggy's Cove turnoff and the West Dover baseball diamond. 

Happy walking,

Monday, August 15, 2011

We Were Swinging

The forecast rain on on our second day in Moncton threatened to foil our plans to spend time at TreeGo, but  held off just long enough for us to spend a few hours adventure in the tree tops. TreeGo is basically an obstacle course high up among the tree canopies, and is comprised of four course levels, each more difficult as you go along, and it takes about three hours to complete. In our group I was the oldest, with one gentleman...a very handsome and fit one I might add...hummmm, hummmm, hummmm...probably in his mid forties...too young for me but too old for my girls, otherwise, there may have been a cat fight, he he... The rest of our group were young, probably in their early twenties.

I would have liked to have posted a video of us but they have a policy of "no cameras or cell phones" and  being the little goodie two shoes that I am, I did what I was told and left my camera in my pocket. Obviously, judging by the number of videos on U Tube, not everyone follows directions so I am able to post this video of other people having fun at TreeGo.

We completed the first three courses in two hours before my girls bailed on was tired and one had to too...but I would have liked to continue. It was hard work, a great total body workout and I was sore for the next two days but it was loads of fun, especially the zip lines, and I would definitely do it again if I had the chance.

For more tree top adventures, visit my daughter's blog Graceful Simplicity.

Happy walking,